Where AI meets humanity. Interview
Interview with Rumman Chowdhury, data and social scientist and Accenture Lead for Responsible AI
Finding the Humanity in AI:
Commonwealth Club Fireside Chat
In conversation with Logic Magazine co-founder Moira Weigel, Rumman discusses the future of humanity as our daily lives become increasingly impacted by AI. The talk was aired on KALW (91.7 FM), as well as featured in the Commonwealth Club podcast.
Co-opting AI: Finance
NYU Institute for Public Knowledge
This event examines how AI and automation may change the financial industry, the economy and society. What is the connection between AI and other forms of automation in the financial industry? How do social relations constitute AI as an economic technology? And how and in what ways do finance and AI intersect with other regimes?
MUTEK_IMG 5: "Algorithmic Colonialism" – Rumman Chowdhury
Today's new 'resource' is data. The rise of the African Tech sector has been spurred by significant investment by industry, and in particular, Chinese AI companies. How can we use this new wave of AI development to address, rather than import, the issues that arise with the implementation of AI?
Interview with Dr. Rumman Chowdhury, Parity
MITxHarvard Women in Artificial Intelligence Interview Series with Dr. Rumman Chowdhury, interviewed by Katie Collins, MIT '21
2020: A Critical Inflection Point for Responsible AI
Covering practical topics like how and where you should implement responsible AI in your organization, and building the teams and processes capable of taking on critical ethics and governance questions.
AI Talk: Accenture's Responsible AI Lead Rumman Chowdhury
In the second pilot episode, host Karen Hao talks to Accenture's Responsible AI Lead Rumman Chowdhury about her work helping companies and governments establish AI ethics practices.
The Tech Humanist Show with Kate O'Neill
The Tech Humanist Show is a multi-media-format program exploring how data and technology shape the human experience, hosted by Kate O’Neill.
Data Exchange Podcast (Episode 53): Rumman Chowdhury
A startup building products and services to help companies build and deploy ethical and responsible AI. Prior to starting Parity, Rumman was Global Lead for Responsible AI at Accenture Applied Intelligence.
Algorhithmic Colonialism with Rumman Chowdhury
This lecture is part of PSR's Professor of Practice Series.
Responsible AI and the Covid 19 Pandemic
Carnegie Council for Ethics in International affairs
In the Carnegie Council’s ethics podcast, host Alex Woodson interviews Rumman in the early days of the pandemic. They discuss the role of AI, the fears of mass surveillance, and importantly, how we can remain hopeful in a time of uncertainty.