Academic Teaching
Grossmont College
Poli 120. Introduction to Politics and Political Analysis. The primary aim of this course is to assist the student/citizen in the development of a set of skills which can be helpful in analyzing political situations in the world today. In order to accomplish this objective the student will be introduced to the basic approaches, perspectives, techniques and models of the political scientist. Accordingly, this course covers some universal aspects of political stability and change, ideologies, conflicts, institutions and issues. Fall 2013.
USP 125. The Design of Social Research. As social scientists, we are always trying to answer questions about the world around us. The goal of this course is to teach both qualitative and quantitative research methods, proper research design and the basics of data analysis. You will learn how to frame your research question, how to design an experiment, how to find the appropriate data or cases, and how to analyze the information you gather. By the end of the course, you will have experience designing a research project and a final project that can serve as a pilot for a more comprehensive research paper.
Summer Session I 2013 and Winter 2014.
Poli 150A. The Politics of Immigration. This course explores the origins and consequences of attempts by the United States and other industrialized countries to control inflows of immigrant workers and political refugees. How do macro-economic forces interact with immigration policies? What are governments doing (or not doing) to integrate immigrants – socially, culturally, and politically – into their societies? Why are many members of the general public hostile to new waves of immigrants and refugees? Summer Session II 2013.
Recipient of TA Excellence Award, 2013
From USP 125: "Great teacher. She definitely cares about the students and making sure we have an understanding of what's been taught and how it applies to what we're studying. Great job of making daunting subjects (statistics) not seem as scary. Would definitely take any other classes she teaches and she has inspired me to go for a PhD both because of her expressing/explaining her experiences as a grad student researcher and by making research not seem as boring and difficult as I previously viewed it."
From Poli 13 (Teaching Assistant): "Rumman does a great job of making discussion interesting and relative to our readings. She allows open communication that strengthens discussion in the class."
"Rumman knows the material so well and provides applicable real world examples to everything that [the professor] covers in class. Rumman also took the time to email us every week before discussion to send us questions that would help us in our discussion. The articles, videos, movies, books ...etc that she would send us links to were always interesting and engaging and helped us in our understanding of lecture."